Tag: 90210

What the who?


Are you over 30 and didn’t watch Buffy until you had surpassed the age-appropriateness for watching it? Have you only now listened to Beyonce’s Lemonade in it’s entirety? Do you think Hamilton is just some guy from a while ago who did a cool thing I guess and not a very talented singer who I guess [spoiler] gets shot in the end? Is the first Carrie on your to-watch list? WELL I HAVE THE BLOG FOR YOU!

For various reasons some of us have just taken a while to consume modern-day entertainment. Some reasons may include: strict religious upbringing, no access to cable, only one tv in the house so of course you can’t watch 90210 (I HAVE BEEN INFORMED IT’S 90211 BUT I MAY HAVE BEEN LIED TO) it’s way too sexy, annoying parents/siblings looking over your shoulder at your reading material, and don’t want to get yelled at again for listening to rap, and general disinterest. These martyrs of such horrid circumstances can include tv, movies, books, music, and video games.

Now for the price of (wait I’m not getting paid for this??), for the price of your precious time I’ll be reading/playing/watching all the old stuff that you never did. I’ll give it a fresh Millennial look (32 is still a millennial right? Also that’s how old I am right?(I HAVE JUST BEEN INFORMED THAT I AM ACTUALLY 31)). I’m going to focus on things that have entered the zeitgeist but for which I have no reference. Like the Godfather. I’m sure I could repeat lots of lines from it and even know the soundtrack, but I’ve never seen it. Or that one with the guy who’s like “say hello to my little friend” and then he has cocaine on his face or maybe flour.

This will probably include books like Good Omens, something I read in the summer of 2017 then felt guilty about because the forward says something like “if you hand this new book to me to sign it’s probably because you lost it, dropped it in a bath, or someone stole it from you”. It was none of the above even though I spent my entire childhood getting in trouble for reading too much. (This is not implying I had Neil Gaiman sign the book. I’ve been to exactly one book signing and got so excited I didn’t say anything to the author but ended up saying too much to his editor)

For music it feels like delaying listening is an even bigger crime than delaying watching tv or a movie. I just listened to Kesha’s new song ‘Praying’ and I sobbed four times- the amount of times I was able to listen to it before having to clean myself up and pick up my kid from school.

I may or may not talk about Doctor Who here, I don’t know if it counts because a lot of it ended before I was born and it’s been difficult to get the old stuff. But anything on a streaming channel will be fair game. For that is the only way I consume tv and movies (HBO included because they throw that in free when you bundle their cheapest internet with their cheapest tv). Inuyasha, here I come! (wait, it’s not on Netflix anymore? fuck!)

tl;dr: Old lady who lives under a rock will bring her fresh millennial eyes to old media